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United Nations

United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC)

PRI is member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration.
The UNRSC was established in 2004. The World Health Organization WHO acts as coordinator and is working in close cooperation with the United Nations regional commissions. 

UNRSC is an informal consultative mechanism whose members are committed to road safety efforts and in particular to the implementation of the recommendations of the World Report on road traffic injury prevention.

More information:

UN General Assembly Resolution 68/269 April 2014

UN General Assembly Resolution 66/260 April 2012

UN General Assembly Resolution 54/255 May 2010

First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety November 2009.
Moscow Declaration

Report 20th meeting UNRSC October 2014

Report 19th meeting UNRSC April 2014

Report 18th meeting UNRSC November 2013

Report 17th meeting UNRSC March 2013

Report 16th meeting UNRSC November 2012

Report 15th meeting UNRSC April 2012

Report 14th meeting UNRSC November 2011

Report 13th meeting UNRSC April 2011

Working Party on Road Traffic Safety of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. (UNECE - WP1)

PRI has a consultative status at UNECE -WP1.
The UNECE pioneered road safety activities since 1950. In 1988, the Working Party on Road Traffic Safety(WP1), an intergovernmental body, was established. Its primary function is to serve as guardian of the United Nations legal instruments aimed at harmonizing traffic rules.

More information:

Report 69th session WP1 September 2014

Report 68th session WP1 March 2014

Report 67th session WP1 December 2013

Report 66th session WP1 September 2013

Report 65th session WP1 March 2013

Report 64th session WP1 September 2012

Report 63rd session WP1 March 2012

Report 62nd session WP1 September 2011

Report 61st session WP1 March 2011

Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety 

PRI is member of the Global Alliance.
The Alliance was established in 2011 by NGO members of UNRSC. The Alliance acts as a forum where NGOs can share best practices and collectively advocate for road safety and the rights of victims of road traffic crashes. The Alliance organizes the Global Meeting of NGOs Advocating for Road Safety, which takes place every two years.

More information:

Brussels Declaration of NGOs May 2009

Brussels Declaration of NGOs SUMMARY May 2009

Report 1st meeting Alliance May 2009

Report 2nd meeting Alliance March 2011

Laser International Foundation

PRI and LASER signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
LASER has been founded in 2006. It aims to collaborate with the United Nations objectives for the improvement of global road safety, especially in poor or emerging countries. PRI and LASER share their views on improving the behavior of road users through education. 

More information:

European Road Safety Charter

PRI is signatory of the EU Road Safety Charter.
The Charter, led by the European Commission, is the largest civil society platform on road safety. More than 2300 public and private entities have committed to the Charter and are carrying out road safety actions. These actions have strengthened road safety culture across Europe, improved common knowledge about the causes of accidents and helped to create preventative measures and solutions.

More information:

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